1 /*
2  * Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
3  *    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
4  *          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
5  */
6 module glib.gmessages;
8 import glib.gtypes;
10 import core.stdc.stdarg;
13 extern (C)
14 gsize	g_printf_string_upper_bound (const(gchar)* format,
15 				     va_list	  args);
20 enum GLogLevelFlags
21 {
22   /* log flags */
23   G_LOG_FLAG_RECURSION          = 1 << 0,
24   G_LOG_FLAG_FATAL              = 1 << 1,
26   /* GLib log levels */
27   G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR             = 1 << 2,       /* always fatal */
28   G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL          = 1 << 3,
29   G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING           = 1 << 4,
30   G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE           = 1 << 5,
31   G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO              = 1 << 6,
32   G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG             = 1 << 7,
35 }
37 /* GLib log levels that are considered fatal by default */
39                          GLogLevelFlags.G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR);
42 extern (C) {
44     alias GLogFunc = void  function    (const(gchar)   *log_domain,
45                                                      GLogLevelFlags log_level,
46                                                      const(gchar)   *message,
47                                                      gpointer       user_data);
49     /* Logging mechanism
50      */
52     guint           g_log_set_handler       (const(gchar)    *log_domain,
53                                              GLogLevelFlags  log_levels,
54                                              GLogFunc        log_func,
55                                              gpointer        user_data);
57     void            g_log_remove_handler    (const(gchar)    *log_domain,
58                                              guint           handler_id);
60     void            g_log_default_handler   (const(gchar)    *log_domain,
61                                              GLogLevelFlags  log_level,
62                                              const(gchar)    *message,
63                                              gpointer        unused_data);
65     GLogFunc        g_log_set_default_handler (GLogFunc      log_func,
66                            gpointer      user_data);
68     void            g_log                   (const(gchar)    *log_domain,
69                                              GLogLevelFlags  log_level,
70                                              const(gchar)    *format,
71                                              ...);
73     void            g_logv                  (const(gchar)    *log_domain,
74                                              GLogLevelFlags  log_level,
75                                              const(gchar)    *format,
76                                              va_list         args);
78     GLogLevelFlags  g_log_set_fatal_mask    (const(gchar)    *log_domain,
79                                              GLogLevelFlags  fatal_mask);
81     GLogLevelFlags  g_log_set_always_fatal  (GLogLevelFlags  fatal_mask);
83     /* internal */
84     void	_g_log_fallback_handler	(const(gchar)   *log_domain,
85                              GLogLevelFlags log_level,
86                              const(gchar)   *message,
87                              gpointer       unused_data);
89     /* Internal functions, used to implement the following macros */
91     void g_return_if_fail_warning (const(char) *log_domain,
92                        const(char) *pretty_function,
93                        const(char) *expression);
95     void g_warn_message           (const(char)     *domain,
96                                    const(char)     *file,
97                                    int             line,
98                                    const(char)     *func,
99                                    const(char)     *warnexpr);
101     deprecated
102     void g_assert_warning         (const(char) *log_domain,
103                        const(char) *file,
104                        const(int)   line,
105                            const(char) *pretty_function,
106                            const(char) *expression);
108 }
110 // #ifndef G_LOG_DOMAIN
111 // #define G_LOG_DOMAIN    ((gchar*) 0)
112 // #endif  /* G_LOG_DOMAIN */
113 //
115 // /* for(;;) ; so that GCC knows that control doesn't go past g_error().
116 //  * Put space before ending semicolon to avoid C++ build warnings.
117 //  */
118 // #define g_error(...)  G_STMT_START {                 \
119 //                         g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,         \
120 //                                G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,    \
121 //                                __VA_ARGS__);         \
122 //                         for (;;) ;                   \
123 //                       } G_STMT_END
124 //
125 // #define g_message(...)  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,         \
126 //                                G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE,  \
127 //                                __VA_ARGS__)
128 // #define g_critical(...) g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,         \
129 //                                G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, \
130 //                                __VA_ARGS__)
131 // #define g_warning(...)  g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,         \
132 //                                G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING,  \
133 //                                __VA_ARGS__)
134 // #define g_info(...)     g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,         \
135 //                                G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,     \
136 //                                __VA_ARGS__)
137 // #define g_debug(...)    g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,         \
138 //                                G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,    \
139 //                                __VA_ARGS__)
141 // #define g_error(format...)    G_STMT_START {                 \
142 //                                 g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,         \
143 //                                        G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR,    \
144 //                                        format);              \
145 //                                 for (;;) ;                   \
146 //                               } G_STMT_END
147 //
148 // #define g_message(format...)    g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,         \
149 //                                        G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE,  \
150 //                                        format)
151 // #define g_critical(format...)   g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,         \
152 //                                        G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, \
153 //                                        format)
154 // #define g_warning(format...)    g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,         \
155 //                                        G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING,  \
156 //                                        format)
157 // #define g_info(format...)       g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,         \
158 //                                        G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO,     \
159 //                                        format)
160 // #define g_debug(format...)      g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,         \
161 //                                        G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG,    \
162 //                                        format)
163 // #else   /* no varargs macros */
164 // static void g_error (const(gchar) *format, ...) G_ANALYZER_NORETURN;
165 // static void g_critical (const(gchar) *format, ...) G_ANALYZER_NORETURN;
166 //
167 // static void
168 // g_error (const(gchar) *format,
169 //          ...)
170 // {
171 //   va_list args;
172 //   va_start (args, format);
173 //   g_logv (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_ERROR, format, args);
174 //   va_end (args);
175 //
176 //   for(;;) ;
177 // }
178 // static void
179 // g_message (const(gchar) *format,
180 //            ...)
181 // {
182 //   va_list args;
183 //   va_start (args, format);
184 //   g_logv (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_MESSAGE, format, args);
185 //   va_end (args);
186 // }
187 // static void
188 // g_critical (const(gchar) *format,
189 //             ...)
190 // {
191 //   va_list args;
192 //   va_start (args, format);
193 //   g_logv (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL, format, args);
194 //   va_end (args);
195 // }
196 // static void
197 // g_warning (const(gchar) *format,
198 //            ...)
199 // {
200 //   va_list args;
201 //   va_start (args, format);
202 //   g_logv (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, format, args);
203 //   va_end (args);
204 // }
205 // static void
206 // g_info (const(gchar) *format,
207 //         ...)
208 // {
209 //   va_list args;
210 //   va_start (args, format);
211 //   g_logv (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, format, args);
212 //   va_end (args);
213 // }
214 // static void
215 // g_debug (const(gchar) *format,
216 //          ...)
217 // {
218 //   va_list args;
219 //   va_start (args, format);
220 //   g_logv (G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, format, args);
221 //   va_end (args);
222 // }
223 // #endif  /* !__GNUC__ */
226 extern (C) {
228     alias GPrintFunc = void function (const(gchar) *str);
230     void            g_print                 (const(gchar)    *format,
231                                              ...);
233     GPrintFunc      g_set_print_handler     (GPrintFunc      func);
235     void            g_printerr              (const(gchar)    *format,
236                                              ...);
238     GPrintFunc      g_set_printerr_handler  (GPrintFunc      func);
240 }
241 // /**
242 //  * g_warn_if_reached:
243 //  *
244 //  * Logs a critical warning.
245 //  *
246 //  * Since: 2.16
247 //  */
248 // #define g_warn_if_reached() \
249 //   do { \
250 //     g_warn_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, __FILE__, __LINE__, G_STRFUNC, NULL); \
251 //   } while (0)
252 //
253 // /**
254 //  * g_warn_if_fail:
255 //  * @expr: the expression to check
256 //  *
257 //  * Logs a warning if the expression is not true.
258 //  *
259 //  * Since: 2.16
260 //  */
261 // #define g_warn_if_fail(expr) \
262 //   do { \
263 //     if G_LIKELY (expr) ; \
264 //     else g_warn_message (G_LOG_DOMAIN, __FILE__, __LINE__, G_STRFUNC, #expr); \
265 //   } while (0)
266 //
267 // #ifdef G_DISABLE_CHECKS
268 //
269 // /**
270 //  * g_return_if_fail:
271 //  * @expr: the expression to check
272 //  *
273 //  * Verifies that the expression @expr, usually representing a precondition,
274 //  * evaluates to %TRUE. If the function returns a value, use
275 //  * g_return_val_if_fail() instead.
276 //  *
277 //  * If @expr evaluates to %FALSE, the current function should be considered to
278 //  * have undefined behaviour (a programmer error). The only correct solution
279 //  * to such an error is to change the module that is calling the current
280 //  * function, so that it avoids this incorrect call.
281 //  *
282 //  * To make this undefined behaviour visible, if @expr evaluates to %FALSE,
283 //  * the result is usually that a critical message is logged and the current
284 //  * function returns.
285 //  *
286 //  * If G_DISABLE_CHECKS is defined then the check is not performed.  You
287 //  * should therefore not depend on any side effects of @expr.
288 //  */
289 // #define g_return_if_fail(expr) G_STMT_START{ (void)0; }G_STMT_END
290 //
291 // /**
292 //  * g_return_val_if_fail:
293 //  * @expr: the expression to check
294 //  * @val: the value to return from the current function
295 //  *       if the expression is not true
296 //  *
297 //  * Verifies that the expression @expr, usually representing a precondition,
298 //  * evaluates to %TRUE. If the function does not return a value, use
299 //  * g_return_if_fail() instead.
300 //  *
301 //  * If @expr evaluates to %FALSE, the current function should be considered to
302 //  * have undefined behaviour (a programmer error). The only correct solution
303 //  * to such an error is to change the module that is calling the current
304 //  * function, so that it avoids this incorrect call.
305 //  *
306 //  * To make this undefined behaviour visible, if @expr evaluates to %FALSE,
307 //  * the result is usually that a critical message is logged and @val is
308 //  * returned from the current function.
309 //  *
310 //  * If G_DISABLE_CHECKS is defined then the check is not performed.  You
311 //  * should therefore not depend on any side effects of @expr.
312 //  */
313 // #define g_return_val_if_fail(expr,val) G_STMT_START{ (void)0; }G_STMT_END
314 //
315 // /**
316 //  * g_return_if_reached:
317 //  *
318 //  * Logs a critical message and returns from the current function.
319 //  * This can only be used in functions which do not return a value.
320 //  */
321 // #define g_return_if_reached() G_STMT_START{ return; }G_STMT_END
322 //
323 // /**
324 //  * g_return_val_if_reached:
325 //  * @val: the value to return from the current function
326 //  *
327 //  * Logs a critical message and returns @val.
328 //  */
329 // #define g_return_val_if_reached(val) G_STMT_START{ return (val); }G_STMT_END
330 //
331 // #else /* !G_DISABLE_CHECKS */
332 //
333 // #define g_return_if_fail(expr)		G_STMT_START{			\
334 //      if G_LIKELY(expr) { } else       					\
335 //        {								\
336 // 	 g_return_if_fail_warning (G_LOG_DOMAIN,			\
337 // 		                   G_STRFUNC,				\
338 // 		                   #expr);				\
339 // 	 return;							\
340 //        };				}G_STMT_END
341 //
342 // #define g_return_val_if_fail(expr,val)	G_STMT_START{			\
343 //      if G_LIKELY(expr) { } else						\
344 //        {								\
345 // 	 g_return_if_fail_warning (G_LOG_DOMAIN,			\
346 // 		                   G_STRFUNC,				\
347 // 		                   #expr);				\
348 // 	 return (val);							\
349 //        };				}G_STMT_END
350 //
351 // #define g_return_if_reached()		G_STMT_START{			\
352 //      g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,						\
353 // 	    G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL,					\
354 // 	    "file %s: line %d (%s): should not be reached",		\
355 // 	    __FILE__,							\
356 // 	    __LINE__,							\
357 // 	    G_STRFUNC);							\
358 //      return;				}G_STMT_END
359 //
360 // #define g_return_val_if_reached(val)	G_STMT_START{			\
361 //      g_log (G_LOG_DOMAIN,						\
362 // 	    G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL,					\
363 // 	    "file %s: line %d (%s): should not be reached",		\
364 // 	    __FILE__,							\
365 // 	    __LINE__,							\
366 // 	    G_STRFUNC);							\
367 //      return (val);			}G_STMT_END
368 //
369 // #endif /* !G_DISABLE_CHECKS */
370 //